The project, which won the competition to design social housing in Alcoi, has an integral and ambitious social focus. At its core, it focuses on creating flexible and open housing units with a design that eliminates the presence of hallways. This architectural layout promotes communication between different areas and, in turn, provides a unique opportunity to revitalize a neglected neighborhood.
One of the standout features of the project is the promotion of diversity and the creation of different living structures. This means that the housing units are designed in a way that allows them to adapt and change according to the ever-evolving needs of the residents. This flexibility is key to ensuring that the housing units are truly inclusive and capable of meeting a wide range of requirements for the families and communities that will inhabit them.
En cuanto a la sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética, el proyecto adopta un enfoque holístico. Esto se logra a través de sistemas tanto pasivos como activos que aprovechan al máximo los recursos naturales, como la luz solar y la ventilación cruzada. Se prioriza el uso de materiales naturales y se exploran nuevos métodos de construcción que minimizan el impacto ambiental. Además, el proyecto incorpora elementos ensamblables y desmontables, lo que permite optimizar el proceso de construcción a través de la prefabricación, reduciendo los tiempos de construcción y los residuos generados.
The careful integration of the building into the context of Alcoi’s historic district is a key element of the design, contributing to the preservation and enhancement of the city’s cultural heritage.